Michael Bruner Michael Bruner

Pushed Realism - A new Realism

So what is Pushed Realism? With the current emphasis on hyper-realism and and the past works of super realists like Chuck Close and others, the path to creating images that are important and thought provoking leads to stripping away the layers of realism. Emphasize the small detail, sharpen and push the shadows darker and the highlights to extreme.

So what is Pushed Realism? With the current emphasis on hyper-realism and and the popularity of the past work of super realists like Chuck Close and others, the path to creating images that are important and thought provoking leads to stripping away the layers of realism. Emphasize the small detail, sharpen and push the shadows darker and the highlights to extreme. Tighten the transition between the two. Twist the figures - not to the point where the shapes are unrecognizable, but PUSH the comfortable identity. Bring a new connected emotion to familiar objects and figures.

Push your imagery to evoke a momentary recognition in the viewer and a sense of familiarity, but with a confusion of reality and a combination of the real and unreal. Embrace repressed thoughts and metaphors, and attempt to consider the complexities of identity, subliminal emotions and thoughts. Infuse beauty, humor and repulsion to create art that is sometimes delivered with a blow, sometimes with a caress. 

Allow your work to mark a period of your life. Show the line of your march and stick to it - let your work reflect what is happening to you at the time. Be unafraid don’t allow your fear to drive your subject matter. Pick one.

I have always approached my art in that I don’t owe anything to anyone in this one part of my life. I do what I want, how I want to do it.

Years ago I wrote:

“The process of creation can be more and more alienating from one period to another. There is always the caution that the work will turn into a witnesses of a inwards flight which could be dangerous - but which may also bring great joy. Both repulsion and beauty are interwoven with fascination. “

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